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Year 2

                                         Welcome to Autumn Term in Year Two, Nightingale Class!

Please see below for information about our day and the homework arrangements.

You can find the Autumn Term 1 curriculum overview for Year 2 at the top of the blue download tabs below.

I look forward to working with your children this year.

Best wishes,

Miss Harris


To the parents and carers :

In  Year 2

Miss Harris - Class Teacher

Mrs Littlewood/Mrs Faithful - Assistant Teachers

Mrs Moss - PPA Teacher

Class Routines

In the morning, I will greet the children on my door from 8:45.  The children will have a ‘Good Morning Challenge’ that is linked to our learning in Maths or handwriting, so it is really important that they arrive promptly please. 

After this, the children's morning lessons will consist of Maths, Reading/Spelling, Class read and English followed by foundation subjects in the afternoon.

Break time is at 11:00-11:15 and Lunch is from 12:15 -13:15.

At the end of the day (3.15 pm), I will bring the children out into the playground, where you will be able to collect them. I will hand over your child to you and tick them off off my register. Please let the office know if there is someone different picking up your child or if you are delayed in any way.


Children will need to bring their reading books into school every day, even if they are not being changed, as they may still be asked to read to an adult during the day. However, it is vital that they bring them on Fridays as we have both a volunteer who reads with our children and this is also the day they swap their reading book. 

Throughout the week, myself or a Assistant Teacher will read with your child 3 times if they are on the Little Wandle Phonics scheme and at least once a week if they are on Purple books and above. On Fridays, they will then bring this book home, where I ask that you read it with them a further 3 times and return it the following Friday. This supports their fluency. Over the course of the year, your children should come off the Phonics Scheme and move onto our coloured book banded books.

Below, you can find the link to the recommended reading books for Year 2.

Books for Year 2 children aged 6-7 | School Reading List


Our PE days are Tuesday afternoons and Fridays. These are taught by a PE coach. Please ensure that your children bring their PE kits in on a Monday, These should be fully named and appropriate for all weather types. I will then send them home on the Friday. Earrings and watches will need to be removed for the PE lessons and long hair tied back. If earrings can't be removed, please can you provide your child with some tape to cover up the studs.

The children will need blue/black PE shorts, a white T-shirt, trainers, spare socks and a tracksuit and jumper for when it turns colder, as PE will still take place outside whatever the weather! 

Water Bottles and Lunch

Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. They are kept in the water bottle box, can be refilled throughout the day and are taken out at break and lunchtime.

School lunches can be ordered on the day in school, but it is very helpful if you could pre-order these online beforehand. (Note – you can’t order online at home on the day, this will have to be done in school). Children in Key Stage 1 are all entitled to a free school lunch, and we provide fruit for the children at break time.

Your child is welcome to bring a snack for break time, but please remember these should be a healthy choice, so no crisps or chocolate. Also, please remember to help us uphold our ‘No Nuts or Sesame' policy. Do check the ingredients carefully as some products have ground nuts in them that you may not have realised — such as Pick Up bars!


All stationary will be provided for your child in school. However, the children will also need access to paper and writing materials at home, for some of their homework. Please do not allow your child to bring in toys, games, or little extras. They may bring an appropriate watch especially if they know how to tell the time. 


It is so important for your children to be heard read as often as possible as well as for them to start learning their times tables. As a result, I ask that you read with your child daily for 10 minutes and that they practise on Times Tables Rockstars at least 3 times a week. 

As well as this the children have come home with knowledge organisers. These contain the knowledge they will be acquiring in their lessons. To support your child's retention of these subjects please help them learn a section of one of their knowledge organisers each day. A suggested timetable of how you could do this is below. This should take no more than 10minutes of each evening.

Additionally, you can access other learning from the following websites, which your children should have access to and their logins are found on the inside cover of their yellow Reading Records. 

MyMaths -

Spelling shed


Timetable and Curriculum plan

Please see below for the Timetable for Autumn 1, the knowledge organisers and the Curriculum Overview.

With kind regards,

Miss Harris









Cock Lane, Bradfield Southend, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 6HR

0118 974 4304